
Wednesday 3 August 2011


Hi, my name’s Nicola. I’m a 4th year student at Glasgow University and am assisting supervisors Megan and Adrian in the Churchyard of St Andrew’s Church in Forteviot village. Two trenches have been opened up in the churchyard, one at the south eastern corner of the church building hoping to find evidence of earlier church structures, and the other in the only unused area of the churchyard itself. Day one was spent marking out trench 1 in the churchyard and de-turfing this by hand and then on to day 2 where the topsoil and underlying subsoil from this trench were removed with a lot of hard labour, mattocking and shovelling in some seriously wet weather! In trench one by the end of day two we had shifted a fair amount of soil and had begun to see the beginning of a possible gravel feature in the south east corner of the trench so it will be good to see where this leads.

Trench 2 by the church building was opened on day two around an area on the wall where some of the foundation stones for the wall were thought to be earlier in origin than the rest of the building. Just under the surface here the team found a row of stones running under the wall which could relate to the earlier building and also signs of other stones lying out from the church wall so we’re looking forward to clearing this area up and seeing what the stones reveal. All in all a good first couple of days with the promise of lots more interesting things to discover!


  1. Hi Fiona/Nicola = I wish this was easy to use - my new internet link doesn't seem to work well; this is third attempt at leaving a response. Anyway well done. Any photos forthcoming?

    Allan ( - since Uni is due to cut off my email; Websurf has already been cut)

  2. Hi Allan,

    Nice to hear from you. Things are going well up here at Forteviot, lots of sun but lots of rain too:( Pictures will all be forthcoming now that we have the hang of how to work this so plenty of updates for you to follow.


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